Admission Events

Check out our upcoming events, for a chance to connect with our team.


We invite you to join the staff of the M.S. in Epidemiology program for a chance to ask any questions you may have regarding the program, curriculum, admission, etc.

Upcoming events:

Please join us for a conversation on our Epidemiology program, the application process, and graduate student life! We host Wednesday weekly lunch webinars at 12pm – 1pm eastern standard time and welcome you there! Please see the following dates and register to the links, starting in September.

February 19

February 26

March 5

March 12

April 9

April 16

In a City Near You

The M.S. in Epidemiology program will be travelling to several graduate school fairs and conferences in the coming months. If you plan to attend an event listed be sure to stop by our table in the exhibit room. If you are unable to attend an event near you but, would like to schedule an in-person meeting, please contact our team at and we will coordinate with you.

Upcoming events:

Individual Meetings

If you are unable to attend any of the previously mentioned events due to scheduling conflicts, please feel free to contact our team at and we will coordinate with you.